A mountain in Turkey carries a mysterious legend that attracts thousands of tourists
On the shores of the Mediterranean Sea, 100 km from the city of Antalya, in the province of Kemer tourist resort in southwestern Turkey, the "Olympus" area is located on its charming coastline and ancient city built in 100 BC. Not far from it stands a large mountain that ignites a fire, as if it were there to warm the whole area.
On the mountain, which is visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists every year, stones continue to burn for 2500 years, due to the presence of large amounts of methane gas along with the ruthenium, which is a catalyst for ignition, according to research by Dr. Guiseb Ithiop, researcher at the National Institute of Geophysics and Science Volcanoes in Rome.
The burning rocks are associated with a Greek myth that the fire comes out of an old mouth buried under the mountain after a hero named Yelrofontis won. The torch at the Olympic Games is believed to have come from a concert by Yelrofontis after the victory.
Yunus, a Palestinian student at the University of Akdeniz, says he does not miss any opportunity to go to Olympus to enjoy his time. He says in an interview with the Huffington Post Arabic that the place allows him to move among civilizations and "meditate on one of the strangest things he saw in his life "He said.
After a first visit to the area during the day, Yunus decided to return with his friends at night, and says of the experience that he found nothing more beautiful than it. "The observation of meteors and stars dancing in the sky increases intimacy and splendor when you sit beside nature fire coming out of the ground."
Janir, a Turkish young man from Ankara, asserts to the "Huffington Post Arab" standing in front of a burning rock that he had been dreaming of visiting this place for years, but that was only recently. When he "takes enough heat from the mountain, he throws himself into the nearby shore of Chirali, even if it is cold."
These rocks are located 80 km south-west of Antalya near the town of Momormis in a rocky mountain and it is strange that it has holes running for thousands of years This phenomenon is very strange and geologists stand on it a lot and experts say that the fire is ten holes in the mountain and feed On methane emitted from inside the mountain 2,500 years ago.
The marchers say that the old seafarers saw these openings from afar hundreds of years ago and served as a guide to help them navigate. Today, however, they are considered one of the most important tourist areas for tourists from all over the world. They prepare meals, meals and barbecues on These rocks!
The area of the nozzles is about five thousand square meters a large area, and feed on the emissions of gases such as hydrogen and methane. Scientists say that the flame is more active in the winter intensity of emissions and these rocks are a source of permanent work no one interferes to ignite the creation of the Creator Almighty. .
The ancient mythology of the mountain of fire in southern Turkey has been told by many stories and stories, all of which are a fantasy of adventure and excitement. Fire has been raging at this burning mountain peak since 2000 BC, and it is the oldest incandescent fire known to man.
It is called the Mount Olympus or Mount of Fire, and its summit is located at an altitude of 1950 meters above sea level, and access is not easy. The fire is always burning, and neither wind nor rain nor snow can extinguish it, it is a strange natural phenomenon.
And the history of the mountain, it was a temple of emperors and kings did not allow the public to visit him, and his income from the people turned into a flame of fire fired by the beast Shimira.
"The Shimira beast burned the inhabitants of Olympus, and the winged Pegasus was attacked," said temple guard Farouk Kaya.
The legend of the Pegasus conveyed to the world the image of the illustrious king who represented the good in his permanent war against the Emperor of Evil, the Shimira, on the summit of Olympus and its fiery fire thousands of years ago.
"The torch of the Olympics has taken from this mountain to Athens and is still burning," said one of the visitors to the mountain, Melih Yavoz. "The reason for the fire is the methane gas that flows from the ground."
The mountain of burning rocks is associated with the legend that Hyponois, the son of Glacosus, the ruler of the island of Ephra, or the ancient Greek island of Kychirus, also called in history books, killed his Belarusian brother in a hunting party. His name was changed to Belarovontis, , Before being expelled from the kingdom, and escapes to the king of Agros (now southeastern Greece) to take shelter.
According to a book by Turkish researcher Elhan Akshit entitled "The City of Lights", the wife of the king of Agros was impressed with Belorovontis and his self-sufficiency, but the handsome young man rejected her repeated requests in respect of the king before his protection and decided to retaliate against him. The king decided to send him to the father of his wife, the King of Lecia (also called Lecia), an area now located west of the Turkish city of Antalya on the Mediterranean Sea, with a written letter ordering him to be killed.
According to the Iliad, to the ancient Greek poet Homer, the King of Lykia was afraid of the murder of Peloponnese, especially as his kingdom was in a state of weakness. He decided to send him to a mountain in Olympus to kill the wicked old woman Shimra, A lion in the body of a goat and tail like a snake, burning fire from her mouth.
Homer says that Belorovontis accepted the mission and, riding the mountain, rode into a mountainous horse named Pegasus, a name now carried by a Turkish airline. During his attack on the mountain, Pillarovontis managed to hit the evil old man Shimra with a spear he was carrying and burying him in 7 layers where she was due to the force of the strike.