Pictures largest cat in the world See Sleeve Up Its size
Cats of the most beautiful pet in the world This cat is the largest in the world, a hybrid Reach a length of 12 feet and weigh more than 450 kg 4
There are different types of large-sized cats ranging from large cats ranging from large wild cats to small local breeds, the largest wild cats found in Africa and Asia but also wild cats found in North America reaching large sizes, plus there are some domestic hybrid cats that combine Wild cats and domestic cats.
There are currently six different types of tigers remaining in the world, the tiger is the largest cat in the world and specifically the Siberian tiger is the largest ever where the weight of the mentioned to about 300 kg and a length of about 3.5 meters, while the female Siberian tiger weighs about 160 kg and up to 175 cm long.
There are a few remaining tigers in the wild, where about 2,500 tiger remain in the natural areas, most of them the Bengal Tiger species and the lowest number is the Siberian tiger, which is between 350 and 410 tiger.