Shahed Akhtar glass bridge in the world, rising 4,600 feet above a glass walkway in China

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The newspaper "Daily Mail" the British published a video report, the most serious a glass bridge in the world, content in the "Hunan" Province of China.

The newspaper said, the bridge which will be called "Skywalk" or "Road to Heaven", was introduced to accommodate meters of transparent glass, as the wraps on the side of a slope of rock, the other side is a glass barrier rises to meter and a half.

The bridge rises glass dangerous, for a distance of 4,600 feet and extends for a distance of 61 meters, which was built to cover the mountain "Tiananmen", which is also called "mountain paradise" space.
According to the British newspaper, it requires visitors to wear boot covers, for not skating on the glass, while people with phobias suffer for fear of crossing the transparent surface Iwamk the possibility of falling at any moment.

The bridge Kintue mountain open to the public in the "Long" area, scenic County in Chongqing in southwest China.

The newspaper pointed out, that this bridge was present before, but in a wooden form, but the Chinese authorities have ordered convert it to form the glass, so be safer on the tourists, who enjoy capturing the Memorial by the images, which gives them a distinct vision of the scenery was stationed in the region .

And revealed the initial images from the opening of the bridge, the conduct of the tourists it very carefully, as feared, many of whom look down, as is this bridge is the third stage of glass bridges were established in the region range, where the first bridge was created in November 2011.

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