
Showing posts from June, 2017

See the biggest dam in the world

There are many dams in the world, but do you know what is the biggest dam in the world? Where is it located? What are his qualities? Many questions will be answered in this article. The dam is the largest dam in the world, with a length of 2335 meters and a height of 185 and a width of 19388 meters. The dam was built on the Yangtze River in the Chinese province of Hubei with a storage capacity of 39.33 cubic meters. The dam works to generate electricity from the dam's flow of water, with 322 main generators, each with a capacity of 700 MW, 6 additional generators under the plant, and two generators with a capacity of 50 MW that supply the plant with energy for the flow of water. The Three Gorges dam is the world's largest hydroelectric dam. The dam was completed in 2006, and then the ship lift station was constructed.  The original plan was completed on October 30, 2008. The construction of this dam cost about US $ 10 billion. 10.8 million tons of ceme...