Pictures | Montenegrin would not imagine the beauty of it is a piece of paradise in the land of Muslims in Europe
Montenegro, or Montenegrin is a country in the territory of the European state, and this state we findwestern Croatia, we find from the north of Bosnia and Herzegovina, an area of the country 12 thousand square kilometers and a population of 700 thousand people, almost, this state was under controlled Ottoman rule, in the sixth century ten. There are castles and forts for the Ottomans to become the memory and the impact of them, became an independent state of the Republic and its elected president, was named Montenegro to the large black basalt by the presence of mountain lions large size, it is a piece of paradise and have a great-looking feel like you are not on the ground and the appearance of the buildings by the bewitching. Now becomes Osasellsaihan shrine from all over the world, when you go to Montenegro will not feel alienated Most Muslim population and a large number of mosques, more than a hundred a mosque built on models that will not see in your life, and there is no beache...